Welcome to the New Fluenz Commons! We’re excited to have you here! This is your space to connect, share, and learn with fellow language learners. Feel free to jump into conversations, ask questions, and get inspired.
Jennifer Peischl-Henry
I'm a retired public school music teacher in the US. I decided that I must learn Spanish early in my career when I saw so many Spanish-only speakers walking in through my classroom door. Many of those children were US citizens, but born into a home where English was not the first language. I've seen thousands of kids lose their native tongue through the well-intended (but failed) ESL program. I believe that no one should have to choose how they live their life based on English fluency or lack of it.
So now, I am all about helping English speakers acquire a second language. It has changed my life in so many beautiful ways that I strongly feel that if people only knew how wonderful it is to be at least bilingual, more English speakers would successfully reach proficiency in at least one other language.
Even at a beginner's level, I was able to contribute something to wonderful at my schools. I am here to learn with you and cheer you on!