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Portuguese 1 challenge mode off, but accents on some vowels still required
Bom dia! My learning objectives are for learning the spoken language primarily. In Portuguese 1, with challenge mode off, when completing the exercises, the grave and ague accent marks on the letter "a" are not required, but I am still required to type the shortcut keystrokes for the cedilla on the "c" (e.g., garcom) and the tilde on the "a" (eg, nao). (Please forgive my use of the names for the accents from French, I don't actually know what they're called in Spanish and Portuguese). I have completed most of Updated Spanish 1 and 2 and I don't remember this requirement for any accent marks.
Is this a software defect? It's kinda annoying. I don't really like to have to slow down in order to type these accent marks. I recognize that in Mandarin, the pronunciation was affected by the accent marks, but I'd like to be able to accelerate my typing in Portuguese.
Thanks in advance! Ate logo! -
We chose to use the challenge mode for more "optional" accents, the ones that don't change completely the sound of letters. However the marks you're mentioning haven't been included there since they are almost part of the letter itselfm in the sens that they change the way they sound: We understant that this choice might be frustrating when trying to learn spoken Portuguese, yet it can also be a reminder that the letter sounds idfferently, so it can also be important for spoken Portuguese.
Hoep you enjoy the rest of the program nonetheless,