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    Emilie PoyetE

    There are lots of regional differences indeed. I'm not an expert, so I'd love confirmation on this, but from what I've read, it is especially different in Bavaria and Austria, and also in South western regions...

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    In the exercise/workout where you translate the phrases from English to German:
    "One needs a bike in Berlin. You(i) have to buy one tomorrow".
    My answer was: "Man braucht in Berlin ein Fahrrad. Du musst EINS MORGEN kaufen" because I was following the structure provided in a past lesson: "subject + verb + DIRECT OBJECT PRONOUN + indirect obj (noun/pronoun) + TIME + manner + place + direct object noun + infinitive/past participle".
    However, my answer was not accepted. The correct answer was: "Man braucht in Berlin ein Fahrrad. Du musst MORGEN EINS kaufen", which does not follow the structure. If I understood correctly, "eins" is a direct object pronoun. Am I missing something? What is the reason why "morgen" (time) comes before "eins"?


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