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  • 6 Topics
    18 Posts

    Glad to see this being asked as I'd noticed it as well...

    Your understanding of Visitare=places (Andare a)Trovare=people is what I'd been taught as well. Some searches seem to indicate that while Visitare for people isn't technically incorrect, it just 'sounds bad' and generally isn't used.

    Will be curious to see what kind of response this gets...

  • 5 Topics
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    Fluenz User SupportF

    Great question Gabrielle!

    In this sentence, "Stadtplan" is actually the direct object, not the subject. The structure of the sentence "Gibt es hier einen Stadtplan?" is a bit tricky because of how German word order works. The verb "gibt" (a form of "geben," meaning "to give" or "to exist" in this context) requires the use of the accusative case for the object that is being "given" or that "exists"—in this case, "einen Stadtplan" (a city map).

    The subject of this sentence is implied rather than explicitly stated. The phrase "gibt es" is often used to mean "there is" or "is there," and "es" (it) functions almost like a placeholder subject. Because "Stadtplan" is what you’re asking about, it is treated as the direct object, which is why it takes the accusative form "einen" instead of the nominative "ein."

    I hope this clears up the confusion! Let me know if you have any further questions.

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    After finishing the course and going back through everything again I can see it was me not having my ears tuned in to the subtle tones yet that was the problem, her delivery. It was totally authentic as it should be.

  • 4 Topics
    12 Posts

    In Fluenz 4 session 12 exercise "write what you read" I translated "I asked my parents for a book" as "J'ai demandé mes parents pour un livre" but was not accepted as correct. However, when I switched the position of the objects as in "J'ai demandé un livre à mes parents" then it was accepted.

    Can someone provide little clarification why my first attempt was incorrect? Also why à and not pour?

  • 19 Topics
    45 Posts

    Bringing this back up to the top because I'm still not getting it. Thanks

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